Awarded Cerf+ Get Ready Grant

At the start of 2022, I reflected on what I wanted to accomplish this year.  There was an area in my business that became clear, I needed professional documentation of my art.  As a preservation of my work in a professional portfolio as well as promote my work to the next level to grow my business.  I had heard of Cerf+, an organization that supports craft artists with grants. Their Get Ready Grant was taking applications and I applied.  Shortly after, I attended the Tools of the Trade conference locally held by CraftNow and NextFab.  They had a speaker from Cerf+ who mentioned the grant as one of programs available specifically to craft artist to safeguard their business.  Then at the end of the last day of the conference, I received the exciting news I was awarded the Get Ready Grant! It was an incredible moment mixed with joy and relief.  The news came at a time I was facing uncertainty and it gave me a path forward. The documentation gave me images to create marketing pieces, for print and my website, and I was accepted into new shows and programs.  Available resources are limited for craft artists and Cerf+ is a lifeline. They offer many services and programs for craft artists. I am grateful to Cerf+ as I, and my business, have come so far this year with their support.


Small Favors 2021